ハロー フロム ラスベガス

クリス・ローリー 野生動物調査員

みなさん、こんにちは。クリス・ローリーです。私はアメリカ南西部で、野生動物について調査をしている生物学者です。私の仕事は、野生生物および野生の生息地の保護をすることです。現在私は、カリフォルニア州のユッカ国定公園[http://www.nps.gov/jotr/]で、ビッグホーン・シープ(オオツノヒツジ羊 Ovis Canadensis 以下ビッグホーン)の生態に与える、ハイキングやマウンテンバイク、ロッククライミングなどのレクレーションによる影響の調査をしています。南西部のビッグホーンのなかには、絶滅の危機に瀕しているものもいます。人間の活動が、彼らに与えるインパクトの深刻さは、無視できない問題です。








Hello!! My name is Chris Lowrey and I’m a wildlife biologist in the southwestern United States. My work and interests involve the conservation of wildlife and wild places. Presently, I am studying the effects of recreation (hiking, biking, rock climbing, etc.) on bighorn sheep (Ovis Canadensis) behavior in Joshua Tree National Park, California ( http://www.nps.gov/jotr/ ). The bighorn are endangered in some areas of the southwest, and the impact of human activity on their ability to survive is an important issue.
Why is it important? This is the first question that must be asked about our relationship to nature. The answers are many, of course. As a wildlife biologist, I spend a lot of time alone in the desert, following bighorn. As I’m documenting their behavior and habits, I often ask myself this same question: Why is this important?
Let’s expand this question to include everyone interested enough to read this essay. This is actually a simple task. Take a moment to look around. Look out the window, down the road, at a picture on the wall. What about your surroundings brings you a sense of enjoyment, a sense of well-being, or of happiness? Ask yourself; is it the concrete of the sidewalk? Is it the power lines running through your neighborhood? Is it the traffic and congestion on your way to work? I can only speak for myself, but these are not the kinds of surroundings I appreciate most.
So what is really important? Even if we live in a crowded city, there are objects and areas that are deeply important to us. A quiet park, a blue river, a fresh bouquet of flowers on a desk, birds singing on a lone tree at the bus stop, tigers hunting in a forest far away, or a photograph of a mountain on your desk. These are, personally, spiritually, the important things, and they become so much more important as they become even rarer.
I hope each of us will take a few minutes to think about how we can improve our lives by making time for nature. I hope we can spend a moment to really think about how important the environment, and especially our connection to it, really is. Perhaps there is a place near you where you can reestablish this connection. Perhaps an open field near our homes, a field we barely think about as we pass during our hectic lives, can become something more. Perhaps an open field can become a garden, a garden where we can conserve, in our own way, a place that is important, and reconnect to the beauty that is our earth.

日時 2003-4-11 17:01:53
環境コラム: ビッグホーン・シープからの手紙
この記事が掲載されているURL: http://www.greenproject.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=37